As a parent, you likely want as much help as you can get when it comes to raising your child and helping them to develop well. Fortunately, technology has made it easier to have more resources available and become more knowledgeable. Here are a few parenting apps to consider using that you may not know you need.
For parents of kids who are old enough to use smartphones and tablets, Find My Kids suggests FamilyTime. It is an essential app to use because it offers a wide range of capabilities to limit what your little one can do on the device. The app gives the parent the freedom to customize the settings, whether it means controlling screen times or and even deciding which the child can download apps. The app is free to use and is available for Android and iOS devices.
Baby Connect
My Domaine recommends Baby Connect to new parents who have a newborn baby. The app allows the user to manage the baby’s sleep schedule, keep a record of their feedings, and take notes of their recent diaper changes. Records of doctor visits or medications can also be added to the app to have all their information in one place. The app is $4.99 to purchase and works on both iPhone and Android devices.
The FBI Child ID APP
According to The Ferra Injury Law Firm, the FBI Child ID App is the first mobile application ever created by the FBI, and it is free to install on Android mobile devices. The app allows parents to store images of their kids on their phone for an easy way of allowing others to identify them if they go missing. It makes it easy to quickly show pictures to strangers or the police if you become separated from your child in public. Parents and caregivers can also read tips on the app on how to keep kids safe for added peace of mind.
WebMD Baby
You can have a pediatrician in your pocket with WebMD Baby, which allows you to read recent health news information and also use an emergency symptom guide. It can also allow you to learn immediate advice and wellness tips while caring for your child.
Although it can be challenging to care for your kids, available parenting apps will offer a bit of help and guidance. Knowing the top apps that are ready to be installed can allow you to have more tools at your fingertips.
Are you looking to launch your new parenting app? Get in touch with JoyAether about building a mobile app!