These Smartphone Apps Will Make You a Safer Driver

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If your day-to-day includes a considerable amount of driving, driving safety is likely a significant concern for you. And since it’s not a good idea to use your phone to talk or text while driving, spending most of your time driving can get inconvenient when you need to lookup an address or communicate. Fortunately, here are some apps that can help you multitask safely.


EverDrive can be downloaded to your mobile phone to provide you with both a record and scorekeeper for your driving performance. Once activated, the app will monitor and assess your driving so that you can adjust issues that need to be addressed. The specific details include summaries of your trips, details of maneuvers you used, and feedback on how you can improve your driving. The app detects the start of a drive automatically and makes use of sensors in your phone to monitor your driving performance without needing a prompt from you.


The TextArrest application assists drivers with avoiding the potential devastation that can result from distracted driving. The app senses when the car is moving and shuts down the ability to send or read messages for the duration of the trip. TextArrest prevents drivers from sending or receiving text messages or emails while behind the wheel. The app responds to friends and family with an automatic response alerting them that you are driving at the moment and will respond to their messages when you have reached your destination. The TextArrest app also allows parents to monitor their children’s driving habits and pinpoint exactly where they are when operating a motor vehicle.


Mojo is an application that runs in the background on your phone and does not require much of your attention to use. The app will monitor your phone usage while you drive and assess a safety rating based on calls answered, phone swiping, and how you are typing text messages. One point is awarded to users for each minute they drive without using their phone. An accumulation of points provides the opportunity to win gift cards that can be redeemed at popular stores and eateries. You can even engage in friendly competition with friends that will determine which of you is the safest driver.


This app makes driving easier by responding to your voice commands. The application can read text messages aloud and supports Google Maps, making it so you don’t need to touch your phone at all while on the road. It’s even compatible with a number of music apps, so you can have entertainment while you are driving without taking the risk of looking down to change songs or choose a playlist.

Driving is all but a necessity in today’s fast-paced world. But so are smartphones. It’s important to consider the dangers presented by smartphones and your time on the road, and take precautions that will decrease the risk of injury to you and your family.

Ready to mobilize your world? Develop your own app today with JoyAether.

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